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Tag Archive: speed

  1. How to get faster for football


    How to get faster for football

    With the football season finally over (for barely a few weeks!), we take a look at how you can use the off season to give you or your team the best preparation for the season to come.

    Football is an increasingly high intensity and high tempo game, often decided by the smallest of margins. Having the fastest players then gives your team the best chance of success.

    Speed training for football

    There are two main aspects of fitness which relate to speed for football:

    1. Maximum speed– needed when chasing a long pass or an opponent.
    2. Changing direction at speed (agility)– needed to beat an opponent in a small space or to track an opponent who is trying to move into space off the ball. 

    Both aspects are vital for performance in different scenarios in the game; however they require different physical abilities and should therefore be coached as separate skills.

    This article will focus on improving running technique and speed. For more information on agility, see our pre-season guide to agility training

    Maximum Speed

    football speed trainingThe ability to run fast in a straight line can be broken down into two components:

    1) Acceleration– the ability to get to top speed quickly.

    The key to acceleration is horizontal displacement of body weight. Although this requires force which can be achieved through strength training, what is more important is how the force is applied and how quickly.

    Training sessions (gym and field based) should include work on applying force in the right direction and as fast as possible to improve acceleration.

    2) Running technique– the coordination of the body to maintain horizontal velocity with minimum energy expenditure.

    Running is a skill, with key technical points to be coached. These points can be worked on in specific running sessions (see below), but can also be included in warm ups and worked on during skill sessions too.

    How to apply this to football training

    football speed trainingPre-season training is the optimal time to begin working on speed and running technique as players are generally fresh after a few weeks off post-season.

    Speed sessions could be scheduled as standalone sessions, or at the start of a team session followed by technical skills training.

    Try our speed guide with 6 sessions each designed to work on a different aspect of running technique. With 2 sessions a week, you have a ready made 3 week speed block to greatly enhance the athleticism of your players.

    It is important to remember that these sessions should focus on quality, rather than quantity. Running is a technical skill and once players begin to get tired, their running mechanics will decline.

    Players should have adequate recovery between efforts in order to perform the exercises well and reinforce good technique. Think of the 4 Rs:

    • Run Well
    • Run Fast
    • Rest
    • Repeat

    Once players have developed their running technique and speed, sessions can then be designed to increase speed endurance and conditioning. Now your players will be able to run further, faster and then repeat that speed.

    Without speed training, what will they be able to endure?

    Matt Durber 

    We are currently running weekly “speed training for team sports” sessions in Willand, Devon. Contact James for details.

  2. Force, power or acceleration?


    “What is power?”

    jump powerWas my opening question at yesterday’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshop for strength and conditioning coaches.

    “Force times velocity” was the text book response from the ex- students.

    They are of course technically correct, but how does this affect how we train our athletes? What about momentum, force, impulse, velocity, mass and acceleration?

    Powerlifters are powerful (high force, low velocity) as are gymnasts (low force, high velocity). Most sports people fall somewhere in between these extremes, or use different parts within their sport.

    Applying power

    snatch trainingThe workshop was split into three parts:

    1. Terminology and theory: I went through this in some detail and based it on questions I have been asking since I saw Jack Blatherwick present two years ago at GAIN (see below).
    2. Practical exercises to develop acceleration. This included detail look at the snatch and assistant exercises to help develop the snatch. I also covered runs, jumps and throws for the “application” cornerstone.
    3. Programme design: the coaches had prepared a 4 week programme to develop power and they shared and discussed this in small groups.

    (One interesting question came up: velocity is a vector quantity, it has a direction. If power was force times speed, then the direction of travel would be irrelevant. So, if we develop power in one direction, why would that apply in another?)

    “What are the best ways to train for acceleration of body weight?”

    As part of my preparation for the workshop I trying to find research that was both current and measured what we are trying to train (rather than some abstract concept only lab technicians are interested in).

    I contacted Jack Blatherwick hoping he might point me in the right direction, instead he was kind enough to respond with his thoughts:

    Coaches: Trust your logic. Some research and propaganda is misleading.
    I do not want to leave the impression that a coach should avoid research. Read everything you can, but do it knowing there is likely to be something incorrect or misleading along with those things that are helpful.

    There’s something good in every article, even the worst pseudoscience … but misleading information is quite prevalent in current popular thoughts about Power and Force.

    Acceleration = Speed, Quickness, and Agility

    acceleration trainingWhat is ‘Acceleration?’ In kinematics (the most basic topic in Physics, dealing with movement), ‘Acceleration’ is defined as any change in velocity, encompassing all changes in direction and speed.

    Agility is included in this definition, because we associate agility in sports with quick changes in direction, like cutting sharply to dodge around an opponent, or perhaps cornering at high speed on the hockey rink.

    Speed is also included, because even at relatively constant speed, there is deceleration and acceleration with each stride. Horizontal acceleration of body weight is therefore one of the highest priorities in sports that feature
    speed, quickness, and agility.

    In other words, for this priority, the critical question is: “What are the best ways to train for acceleration of body weight?”
    However, for some reason, throughout history, coaches asked for research on Force and Power, and this has led to training advice that might not be the best fit for acceleration of body weight.


    roundhouse kick powerTheir question seems entirely logical, and advances the discussion to ‘Kinetics,’ the second basic topic in physics, because we are certainly accelerating a mass.

    Therefore, Force and Power would seem to be logical extensions of our question: “What are the best ways to train for acceleration of body weight?

    But … it is an absurd thought (which no one intended) that nerves and muscles might understand the following abstractions:

    • Force = Mass x Acceleration
    • Power = Energy Expenditure / Time = Work / Time = Force x Distance / Time = Force x Velocity

    Nerves and muscles only understand (and remember!):

    • (a) how fast they have been trained.
    • (b) through what range of motion.
    • (c) how much effort this takes.

    That is called SPECIFICITY, the principle that performance is enhanced when the training ‘looks and feels’ like the desired outcome (my simplistic definition, not to be blamed on anyone else).

    Therefore, if ACCELERATION is a priority for our sport, and we use the abstraction (F=ma) we are not violating any formulas from physics … but we might be wrong.
    Consider the continuum (Force = Mass x Acceleration) that represents various speeds and weights, along which we might choose our training exercises:

    force, power and acceleration

    The thought is that to improve acceleration we must increase Force, and strength coaches love to do this by increasing the mass we lift in the weight room. But, of course, the more mass we lift, the slower the acceleration. Might this be considered a good way to train for slow acceleration?

    Please don’t misunderstand my purpose. I believe in lifting weights – sometimes heavy weights, at an appropriate age and level of fitness. But, it is obvious that we must also incorporate more training in which we accelerate our body mass as quickly as we can.

    Complex Training

    jazmin sawyers jumpFurthermore, in every weightlifting exercise, there is a deceleration (to zero velocity) toward the end of the range of motion. This occurs at precisely the moment when sprinting and skating require an explosive acceleration.

    Considering that we are ALWAYS forming neuromuscular habits when we train, there should NEVER be a phase of the year in which we exclude quick acceleration from the program, and just work on strength.

    In fact, I believe every strength exercise should be accompanied in some way with an explosive exercise featuring acceleration: jumps, weighted jumps, sprints, hills, sleds.

    Neuromuscular learning occurs with every movement. Myelin is being formed along axons which innervate muscle fibres that are training at high speed.

    Timing is a critical part of athletic development, and slow training – if overdone – will certainly not enhance quickness, agility, and speed.

    Peak power?

    The simplest word (acceleration) for our highest priority has been needlessly replaced by Force and Power.

    The word ‘POWER’ has so many colloquial uses that it is often misinterpreted in communications between the physics (biomechanics) lab and the important group of users: athletes and coaches.

    One question that has been examined for decades is: “What is the optimum amount of weight to be incorporated into a training exercise to maximize power?” Research is inconclusive, but many believe the optimum weight should be about 30% of a maximum lift with one repetition (1RM).

    How important is this question for sports that depend on speed, quickness, and agility?

    If the question had been: “What is the optimum weight to lift to maximize ACCELERATION?”  The answer is “Zero. Just use bodyweight.”

    Many coaches and athletes (as well as scientists and professors) incorrectly believe that explosiveness or explosive starts from a standstill are where athletes demonstrate the greatest power, like exploding out of the starting blocks.

    But, looking at the equation Power = Force x Velocity, it is easy to see that there needs to be substantial velocity for Power to be a maximum. Of course there also needs to be a high rate of acceleration as well,because Force = mass x acceleration (F=ma).

    Think of it this way: If an athlete accelerates at the same rate between zero and 5 miles per hour as he does between 5-10 mph, his Power is greater from 5-10, because velocity is greater.
    Usain Bolt’s graph of velocity vs. time (modified from IAAF data), demonstrates this point clearly.

    usain bolt powerHis maximum power does not occur at the start. That is where acceleration is greatest. Power does not peak until a couple of seconds into the sprint where both acceleration and velocity are high.

    Explosive movement from a standstill is not where an athlete expresses peak power. When we observe a dragster take off at the start, it is common to use the word ‘powerful.’ But the dragster exerts much greater power somewhere later in the race.

    Training Programme Design

    force power accelerationACCELERATION is the correct and simplest word for quickness and agility, and this is the highest priority in many sports, except where the athlete has to move large external masses.

    In designing training programs, keep in mind the objective. If the athlete needs to accelerate his own body weight to be successful, there should be a lot of that in training programs.

    Heavy strength training is slow acceleration. That does not mean it is wrong, but it must be accompanied by the fast acceleration of body weight (as seen in the video below of midfielder, Sam Malcolm: note the single-leg landing and push-off).

    Jack Blatherwick

    Thanks very much to Jack for that excellent advice. We kept touching upon training principles yesterday: coaches like doing what they are comfortable with as well as what the physical constraints of their “weights room” dictates.

    Reminding ourselves constantly that we are trying to develop better athletes, rather than solely bigger numbers in the gym is crucial!

    Please leave your thoughts below (with name).