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Your chance to run faster
25th March 2025
The father of a 9-year-old boy asked me if I could coach his son 1-1 with his running technique. I said, ‘No.’ Boys that age should be playing outside with their friends, not stuck in an awkward situation with an experienced coach and an expectant father watching on. Unfortunately, the boy attends a private school […]

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The Joy of Movement

the joy of movement
Nobody ever jogged for joy

Jumping for joy; when was the last time you did that? What about Jogging for joy? Hardly sounds the same does it?

the joy of movement
I did 11,000 steps today.

I recently heard two people talking about their exercise regime. Everything was counted. They count calories, they count steps, they count miles and they count lengths in a pool.

Their measure of progress was to do more of the same, count it, and then share it on Strava. They can then compare themselves with all the other hamsters.

Were they happy? Sure didn’t sound it like it, they used phrases like, ‘I dread it, but feel better afterwards.’ Or, ‘I don’t want to do it, but I think I ought to.’

Where do I sign up?’ I didn’t ask.

The daily grind

how to get my child fit and healthy
I am looking forward to getting home and spending time on the treadmill.

Commute, work, commute and then relax by spending time on the treadmill.

Compare that to a dog in the park. Endless energy, running around, chasing balls, leaves, cats and sniffing things. Children do that, without the sniffing. They are playful and happy, if given the chance.

Bastards- let’s stop all that ‘larking about’ as one parent said to me. She wanted her 12 year old daughter to grind out tough strength and conditioning sessions because she was trying to climb up tennis rankings (another pointless measurement).

Let’s drive our children to school and then give them fitbits to measure their steps. Let’s foist our adult insecurities onto our playful children.

Let’s stop physical education and replace it with a ‘Daily Mile’, let’s turn them into mini adults.

making shapes and changing shapes
No adults necessary, just making shapes

Alternatively you could explore the joy of movement with your child or dog:

  • Go upside down
  • Go backwards
  • Climb things
  • Go over and under things
  • Skip, jump, hop and leap.
  • Pick things up and carry them or throw them.
  • Forget competition and comparison; try to explore what your body can do.
The joy of performing a new skill and trying things out can not be underestimated.
Your children won’t get a certificate at our gymnastics sessions, but they might just have fun.

Fun is what seems to be what is missing in life ( I have put some ideas on a YouTube playlist, ‘The Joy of Movement’ have a look.)

If you concentrate on making shapes and changing shapes, you will never have to worry about getting in shape.

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Dan James – Paralympian
During the build up to the Beijing Paralympics I was fortunate to be able to train with Excelsior. During this time James delivered a specific eleven month training block to me starting from base fitness up to more complex circuits and exercises. James would always take part in our sessions and this really helped motivate me, as we would push each other to achieve during the sessions. James was flexible around my shift work and would always answer any questions I had, however daft they sounded!

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