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Love to Lift: funding for women’s weightlifting
28th January 2025
I’m pleased to announce our funding success. Our weightlifting club has received £1215.16 from Grassroots Grants to support women in returning to exercise. It will also pay for one of our existing female lifters to undergo their level 1 and level 2 coach education courses. She will then be able to coach, unsupervised, and help […]

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Training young athletes: Part 5:Kelvin Giles

Strength and conditioning for children appears to be a popular topic. Unfortunately, short cuts are often desired (4 hour International Athlete anyone?). One of the common, if unpopular, themes from the guest Coaches this week has been fundamentals, process and detail. Today’s author is a great exponent of that.

Kelvin GilesKelvin Giles has a vast experience working with International athletes.  His “This isn’t a text book” is on my recommended reading list.

These are probably best for coaches:

  • ‘Give them the physical competence to do the technical stuff and the technical competence to do the tactical stuff – in that order.’ 
  • ‘In the early stages let them solve movement puzzles in their own way. Don’t overcoach – let them work things out.’ 
  • ‘Progress exercises in a variety of ways – Static to Dynamic; Slow to Fast; Simple to Complex; Unloaded to Loaded.’ 

For the Athletes:
‘This is a test of your patience – you might not get it right to start with.’ 

  • ‘Have you had your water bottle with you all day?’ 
  • ‘The best way to recover is to get a good night’s sleep.’ 
  • ‘It’s not whether you try hard today but whether you try hard all the time – tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next decade.’ 
  • ‘Don’t worry about what the person next to you is doing – focus on what you have to do.’ 
  • ‘Be smart in training and more importantly be smart outside training. You are an athlete all the time.’ 

Kelvin Giles

Thanks to all of our guest authors who have given such great tips on training young athletes. It is very useful to hear from such a wealth of experience.

If you wish to have an easy to follow guide to training young athletes, then click on the book cover to the right. I wrote this standing on the shoulders of giants.


  1. […] be able to efficiently & effectively brake we need to have a level of physical competency. Kelvin Giles  describes physical competency […]

  2. […] The coaches were asking lots of questions as we went along, and I was happy to answer them: the downside being that we were behind schedule. We touched on the difficulty of monitoring in season. It is important to collect and use the right data without becoming “random number gatherers” (Kelvin Giles) […]

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Seb Baylis + Tom Baylis
"James Marshall is now managing my two sons' strength and conditioning training for a fourth consecutive year. From the very start, youngsters and parents alike have easily engaged with James' professional approach and personable manner. Now both semi-professional cyclists aged 20 and 18, between them they have achieved numerous successes in the National Junior Series, including two stage wins, a silver medal in the National Championships, and selection for team GB in the Junior World Series.

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