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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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CBEs- why all Excelsior athletes get them in the New Year.

CBEs- Character building exercises.

I am not a believer in beasting people, rather in getting them to beast themselves.

Sport and life require you to deal with adversity. Training in situations which are challenging and demanding will help the young person deal with pressure when the time comes that they need it.

As a coach you can help by creating an environment that seeks out challenge and guides the young people into working harder than they are accustomed to, or indeed believe they can.

Jonah Barrington (a squash coach I work with) calls this CBEs.

Sets, reps, time limits are well and good, but sometimes you just have to get the people training where they don’t know what the time is, or when its going to end.

This does not mean mindlessly flogging people, or breaking them.

Mixing up people from different sports helps, as they won’t be able to pace themselves or get into a comfort zone of familiar faces and territory. In the right environment they will push themselves further and gain an intrinsic confidence that they can draw on as required.




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Georgina Rozario: England Scrum Half
I had the pleasure of having James as my first s&c coach when I was at University in Plymouth. I worked with him for 3 years and learnt everything I now know about training to the best of my ability. When I first saw James I was identified as a talented rugby player but had various injury and illness problems to contend with. By the end of my time with him I had become an athlete and later received my first international cap against the U.S.A.

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