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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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Sports Performance Workshop: Willand

Sporting success starts here:

This workshop is designed for Secondary school pupils who want answers to the following questions:

  • How can I stay fit over the Summer Holidays?
  • How can I get faster?
  • What is the best way to prepare for competition?
  • What is the best diet for my sport?

The Day will include: 

  • Sprinting for sport- practical speed training for team sports.
  • Sports Nutrition: Making your own recovery snacks (practical), the optimal lunch box.
  • Competition nerves- relaxation strategies and coping mechanisms.
  • Exercise plans and ideas for the summer- making the most of your free time.
  • fit for sport

The day is open to athletes from all sports and of all playing levels. The only criteria are that the player must be at Secondary school (including 6th form).

Wednesday 31st July 0900-1300

This Support Day is part of the Excelsior Athletic Development Club

training young athletes exeterHead coach and owner James Marshall is the author of “Training Young Athletes” and an expert on long term athlete development.

He set up the Athletic Development Club to help young people from all backgrounds gain access to expert advice, locally.

He is using his experience of coaching Olympians, Paralympians and  International competitors with local children. He is designing the sessions so that the club members are set up for long term success, rather than short term impact and risking injury, burnout and disillusionment with sport.

James was on the England Senior Karate squad for 3 years, and competed in European and World Championships.

Places limited to assure quality

4 hours of expert advice costs only £25 (£15 for Excelsior ADC members).

Excelsior athletic development centre

Excelsior is committed to improving the performance of all young athletes and helping them reach their potential in a safe and effective manner.

Read more here:


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Client Testimonials

German Academy of Applied Sports Medicine (DAASM)
James Marshall is a master of his field. He knows how to turn a big audience hall into a small seminar setting, where he picks everyone up. One of the finest invited speakers DAASM has ever had the privilege to announce. Dr. Dr. Homayun Gharavi Founder & President of DAASM

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