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A Movement Manifesto
3rd January 2025
A personal movement manifesto for all Humans have evolved through adaptation to moving in their environments. I aim to help people learn to enjoy movement and make it part of their physical and mental selves. Physical activity is often reduced to a number: “10,000 steps”, “walk a mile a day,” or ’100 reps’. By focussing […]

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How can I increase intrinsic motivation?

Get the vibe right and intrinsic motivation will follow

intrinsic motivationI was training 3 athletes in the gym a couple of weeks ago, they were doing one of my usual warm ups, no music, no shouting, no distractions.

The three were focussed and busy.  Another coach walked in, and said

I wish I was training now, rather than earlier, there is a good Vibe.

The three athletes were all teenage boys, and were good examples of how young people can train.

What is a Vibe? Is it something we can create, or something we can enhance.? If you are training where there is a good Vibe, then you will probably find that time passes quickly, and you get better results and satisfaction from your training activity.

intrinsic motivation

Running in the country

When on holiday recently I was going for a morning run on a footpath from the campsite, through some woods along a coastal path. The path was uneven, with tree roots, steps and other obstacles.

I had to pay attention to every step that I was taking. The air was clear and fresh, the sun was sparkling on the sea, and I didn’t know what was around the corner. I was fully engaged in the run and was not thinking of anything else.

Compare that to walking into a commercial gym, stepping onto a treadmill and plugging in headphones and watching breakfast television, whilst trying not to listen to dance music or adverts in the gym itself.

The gym is telling you that the run is something to be endured, and that watching tv is a more beneficial activity.

Which run is more likely to create a “Vibe”? 

Here are some tips on creating a Vibe in your training sessions:

Having a purpose helps motivation

It is next to impossible to get a good training session under way if you have no plan. For me, it always starts with the warm up, if this is done correctly then the session will follow well. Avoid giving yourself or the athletes an opportunity to ease into it. Have a purpose for the session and then make sure the warm up is related to it.

As a coach, if your programme involves sitting on a foam roller, then moving to a stationary bike, followed by some generic resistance machines and you let them wear headphones, expect your athletes to be bored, demotivated and unengaged.

Have an environment with no distractions

motivating athletesEasier said than done, but if there is a group of you, it is better to train in an empty facility with limited equipment, than a super duper facility surrounded by numpties.

Better to run outside, away from traffic, than on a busy road. Again, we are victims of circumstance and environment, but try and do what you can. That might mean going to the gym at quieter times, or earlier in the morning.  Music can be part of it, but should be background, rather than overwhelming.

Get good training partners

intrinsic motivation

Having training partners helps when it gets hard

You can train alone, or with other people. If you do train with others, then make sure they are there to work and improve too.

I train groups of athletes from different sports, but they work well together because they are all dedicated to improving.

Competitive banter is part of it, but avoid mickey taking. They can afford to make mistakes in the gym, because that helps them learn. The competition is partly with each other, but mostly for themselves.

Positive feedback

Finish on a good note- well done, good job, and then some points to take forward for the next session. You can pat yourself on the back, and then think how that has helped you become a better athlete.

I had never thought about creating a “Vibe” until someone else pointed it out to me, but it is something I try and focus on now.  I hope you can get the Vibe soon too.

Further reading:

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College of St Mark and St John
James is an excellent and experienced Strength and Conditioning Coach. He is able to draw on these experiences to adapt and meet each client’s specific needs. James is known for his engaging and dynamic style that has proved effective in producing results. Having worked with James, he is both organized and efficient. He also is an evidence based practitioner happy to engage in debate and take on new ideas. James rightly demands high standards and a good work ethic which reflects his own contribution to each situation

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