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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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Stuntman Training: warming up

How to start training to be a stuntman

This week I got asked to train a young man who wants to become a Stuntman (next week Batman, the week after Train Driver?). He has been following a running programme, alternating with the ubiquitous beach weights.

Normally I would start with a screening of some sort, but I thought we could just see how he moves first using some of our varied warm ups that we do. Short of asking him to dive off a cliff or crash a burning car, I thought that might give me an idea of how well prepared he was for stunt work.

The good news was that he could move, balance and change direction quite well. The bad news was that he was tired after doing the warm ups.

In last night’s podcast on warming up as part of the Sports Training System I suggest that beginners might start with our warm ups as their exercise programme.

 Little and often, with variety is a good place to start. Your body will get fitter just by doing things differently. 

Moving more makes you want to move more.

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Robin Williams GB Footballer Paralympian
I have been training with James for over four years now and firmly believe he has played a key role in my transformation as an athlete and therefore as a footballer. It’s fair to say I was in poor condition in various aspects when we first met, however, James’ ability to focus on the most important things and eliminate the baggage from training has enabled me to develop rapidly, having missed selection for the 2009 European Championships I am now a regular in the starting lineup.

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