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The Physical Education Revolution Starts Here
Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sport
These are the three strands that Willand School is looking to develop under its p.e curriculum next year. This is a fantastic start in recognising the different areas: putting things in place to help them is then easier.
The UK government is fixated on “competitive sport” due to the “Olympic Legacy“. In the mean time we have a burgeoning health crisis with obesity, diabetes and heart diesease on the increase.
Coming from Eton and a selection of other public schools, the government really shows a lack of understanding about what physical education should entail. The reality of the pressures that primary school teachers are under getting 6 year olds through the phonics exam means that that physical activity is squeezed out.
School acquired deformities
I have a vested interest in what goes on at this primary school and the Willand pre school: because my kids go there. I have repeatedly told the teachers that the classroom set up is inhibiting my Daughter’s physical capabilities.
Michael Gove has no idea who my Daughter is, she is just a blip on a spreadsheet that the school is judged on. To me she is the most important thing in the world (and her brother) so I can not sit by and watch her getting affected by politicans’ ignorance.
That is why I am offering my time and expertise to make a difference. “Think Globally, Act Locally” is the mantra I adopt.
On Monday I did a workshop with the pre school staff on ways and means of developing the youngster physical movement.
Expressive vocabulary is key:
whirl shrink gather glide leap
bound spin crawl slither
scatter dash soar drag pause crouch burst whip plunge
zigzag tremble skim scurry hop rock skip wander toss
twirl press push tiptoe creep collapse expand clap rise
fall shrivel close open encircle flutter hover arch sway
wander settle crumble twist turn shatter run tap freeze
are some words we played with.
I am hoping to help the Primary school develop their staff training and resources to make the teachers’ lives easier
The end goal is to get the kids healthier, happier, more active and physically literate.
There has to be more to life than government set exams!
Client Testimonials

I have been training with James for over four years now and firmly believe he has played a key role in my transformation as an athlete and therefore as a footballer. It’s fair to say I was in poor condition in various aspects when we first met, however, James’ ability to focus on the most important things and eliminate the baggage from training has enabled me to develop rapidly, having missed selection for the 2009 European Championships I am now a regular in the starting lineup.
[…] up on time, professionally dressed and try my hardest every week when dealing with 5 yr olds in the Willand school playground for “wake n’ […]