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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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10 Commandments of Great Coaching: Wayne Goldsmith

The 10 Commandments of Great Coaching

wayne goldsmith

Sports Coaching Brain

Wayne Goldsmith is a Coach Educator based in Australia known as the Sports Coaching Brain. Here are some key points on how to be a great coach.

  1. Creativity and innovation are the core skills of great coaches in this century.
  2. Continuous improvement is everything – success is a moving target.
  3. Engagement is the driving force of success: athletes, coaches, management, staff, families, supporters…everyone engaged completely and comprehensively in your program.
  4.  Never compromise on your values, virtues or beliefs for the sake avoiding conflict or to gain political advantage…it will come back to bit you sometime in the future.
  5. wayne goldsmith

    Coach with passion

     Coach with passion, energy and enthusiasm – your athletes deserve it.

  6.  Never, ever give up: persevere no matter what the obstacles are in your way – no matter how difficult it seems – never give up.
  7. Be an agent of change and ignore people who use the worst eight words in sport “that’s not the way we do it here – people who win are unique, are different, make changes, take risks and then the rest of the world has to finds ways of catching up with them.
  8. Be yourself – believe in yourself: you have to do this. No one wins by copying or by trying to be someone else or by trying to be something they are not. Be yourself.
  9. Avoid anyone who talks in absolutes: there are no “nevers”, no “always”, no “musts” – there is only learning, growth, creativity, innovation, change and passion. There is no one way of doing anything.
  10. Regularly take an honest look at yourself and your program and identify ways of enhancing the performance of both.
In the end, coaching is a personal decision to be the best you can be – now and in the future and to pass on what you learn on to others so they might in turn realise their potential as athletes and as human beings. 

Further Reading:

Review of Wayne Goldsmith’s “Making Sport Better Workshop” held as part of our ongoing Coach CPD Programme


  1. […] to grow and develop in their sport. Wayne Goldsmith also makes some very good points in his ‘Ten Commandments of Great Coaching’. His second commandment, ‘Continuous improvement is everything. Success is a moving target’ […]

  2. […] “Kids aren’t afraid of hard work, the’re afraid of boredom”. Wayne Goldsmith  […]

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