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A Movement Manifesto
3rd January 2025
A personal movement manifesto for all Humans have evolved through adaptation to moving in their environments. I aim to help people learn to enjoy movement and make it part of their physical and mental selves. Physical activity is often reduced to a number: “10,000 steps”, “walk a mile a day,” or ’100 reps’. By focussing […]

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10 questions you should ask before training

“What should I be asking to get the information I need?”

fitness training willand cullomptonThis excellent question came from Mark, one of the coaches on our last CPD workshop in Devon. You have a blank sheet of paper, you have a new group of athletes: where do you start?

Here are 10 questions you might want to ask (in no particular order).

  1. How much time do I have with them?
  2. What is their current level and volume of training?
  3. What else do they do (outside of the sport)?
  4. What facilities/ equipment do I have available (available is different from mandatory)?
  5. What are the Needs to do vs Nice to do for their age/ stage and sport? (from Gambetta).
  6. How can I integrate training into other aspects of their life?
  7. How can I organise the session to minimise down time (different from rest time which is necessary)?
  8. Where do I want them to be in 12 months?
  9. Where are they now and how can I measure that?
  10. What unique aspects of the sport are there that might influence my session? (e.g. trampolinists & cricket fast bowlers do repeated movements on one side which affect their back).

This is a start and then you can plan from there. I work from the ground up, rather than try backwards from the “ideal situation”.

It is also important to remember that change takes time: sports coaches, athletes and parents need to be nudged and trust allowed to develop.

Has anyone got any other good questions to ask at the start?

Further reading:

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Sam Malcolm
My son, Sam (17), has been working with James over the past fourteen months, during which time Sam has been making the transition from youth to senior football. James has undertaken regular (weekly/biweekly) individual sessions and provided a structured programme for Sam to work on in between the face to face meetings. I have been […]

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