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A Movement Manifesto
3rd January 2025
A personal movement manifesto for all Humans have evolved through adaptation to moving in their environments. I aim to help people learn to enjoy movement and make it part of their physical and mental selves. Physical activity is often reduced to a number: “10,000 steps”, “walk a mile a day,” or ’100 reps’. By focussing […]

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10 Rebounder exercises for lower limb control

Improve Strength, Proprioception, Control and Ultimate Stability of the Lower Limb using a rebounder.

There are many physical benefits from using a trampette or rebounder e.g. improving cardiovascular fitness and core control.

As a Physiotherapist, I prefer to use a rebounder specifically to improve a client’s strength, proprioception, control and ultimate stability of the lower limb.

The exercises listed below are suitable for any person who wishes to improve the stability of their lower limb joints. I have included easy, intermediate and advanced exercises for guidance.

Part of the Solution

rebounderIt is recommended that the more difficult tasks are perfected on a stable surface before progressing to a rebounder or unstable surface.

These drills are especially useful for our clients who are recovering from a hip/knee/ankle injury or surgery (most ACL conservative or post-op protocols will include rebounder work).

Athletes without injury will also find these exercises of benefit to help prevent injury and improve performance, in conjunction with their stable surface training. The rebounder adds a new stimulus which can then lead to adaptation.

On the other hand, those with osteoarthritis will favour the use of a rebounder for gentle and functional movements as it reduces the joint impact forces.



1 Heel raises rebounder

2 Jogging

3 Jumping

4 Single leg stands


5 single leg squatrebounder

6 Hopping/alternate leg hopping

7 Jog/balance

8 Directional squat jumps


9 Jump on/off (straight or multi-directional)

10 Hop on/off (straight or multi-directional)

Check the video here:

Remember progress from:

  • Stable to Unstable
  • Single reps to multiple reps
  • 2 feet to one foot
  • Single plane to multi directions

 Sarah Marshall 

Chartered Physiotherapist


  1. […] saw and did later really opened my eyes. (Physiotherapist Sarah and I discussed this when doing the rebounder […]

  2. […] Strengthening of the surrounding muscle groups. This should be focused on during periods of reduced symptoms and limited growth. […]

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Helen Farr
The access to expert advice on training and coaching in the STS has been extremely beneficial when guiding Helen (15) through different stages of her physical development. Time is very precious and especially as busy parents of even busier teenagers, we need all the help we can get. As well as following the programme, it has been really useful to dip into certain topics as and when situations occur. Advice on how to prevent and counteract knee problems was certainly helpful when Helen started complaining that ‘her knees were hurting’ directly after competitions.

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