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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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How to do the box splits and back bridge.

Flexibility Express DVD: Tom Kurz.

Ever wanted to do the box splits or a back bridge? 

You might not want to, but if you are a wrestler, martial artist, or track and field hurdler or high jumper, you might. 

Tom Kurz is the author of the Science of Sports Training and has produced this dvd to help people develop practical flexibility and strength. 

flexibility express dvd

In the dvd (along with his books) Kurz emphasises that flexibility and strength need to be developed together. In order to be able to do Olympic Style weightlifting you need to be flexible in the thoracic spine, hips, shoulders and ankles.

The DVD has got 3 main parts:

  1. How to do the box splits
  2. How to do the back bridge
  3. Bonus materials

Each part has the main exercise, then supplemental exercises to help you achieve the exercise. I thought that the bonus material should have formed some of the main content: the warm up routines and videos on squat and deadlift are very useful.

Going straight into the spluit routines was hard for me, and I have moderately good flexibility.

Kurz presents in a very understated fashion, bordering on the laconic. It makes a change from the hype and hoopla presented on commercial DVDs.

“I shall use a kettlebell as they are so fashionable these days” was my favourite quote. I did all the exercises in my sitting room, and just needed to get a kettlebell, 2 tennis balls and a sock.

A trailer can be seen here . I recommend this DVD for anyone who is looking to get practical advice on stretching for sports and has not got a background in gymnastics.

Coach Kurz has been kind enough to write a couple of guest blogs for us (read more here and here).



  1. Sonia says:

    Hello, do you sell this DVD? Can I find this dvd in Europe anywhere?

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David Ardley- triathlete
I had the pleasure (I think !) of working with James for a year or so focused on getting my Triathlon times down. Its amazing what was achieved in the space of an hour before work. What stood out for me is the constant variation of exercises and his ability to set the difficulties levels just right. His sense of humour and competitive spirit always helped when my energy levels were not quite there. I can attribute his structured training to my eventual success competing in the World Triathlon championships (age group) in Hamburg.

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