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Love to Lift: funding for women’s weightlifting
28th January 2025
I’m pleased to announce our funding success. Our weightlifting club has received £1215.16 from Grassroots Grants to support women in returning to exercise. It will also pay for one of our existing female lifters to undergo their level 1 and level 2 coach education courses. She will then be able to coach, unsupervised, and help […]

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Pull ups- How good are you?

pullupThanks to Simon Worsnop for this link to a page dedicated to feats of strength on pull ups. This followed our conversation on the need for finger, forearm, grip and pulling strength for rock climbing.  Young athletes from all sports are notoriously weak in their upper body (more tree climbing needed), but then spend time on bicep curls in the gym.

S&C coaches could do worse than set an example on pulling strength and challenge their athletes to do the same- the pull up bar doesn’t take any prisoners. 

tree climbing



  1. […] Lat machines are for people who are too fat to do pull ups. […]

  2. […] up frame is a great tool for upper body strength just by using your own body weight as resistance. Pull ups strengthen the forearms, arms, shoulders and […]

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Client Testimonials

University of Exeter
James has been our lead strength and conditioning coach for the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) at the University of Exeter since the scheme's inception. His attitude, professionalism and above all his drive and desire to help each sportsman and woman develop and reach their potential is exactly what we require. James shows a real interest in each of his athletes and helps them to aspire to be as good as they can and ensures that no goals are unattainable.

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