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Your chance to run faster
25th March 2025
The father of a 9-year-old boy asked me if I could coach his son 1-1 with his running technique. I said, ‘No.’ Boys that age should be playing outside with their friends, not stuck in an awkward situation with an experienced coach and an expectant father watching on. Unfortunately, the boy attends a private school […]

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Fitness training for Field Hockey: Part 2

How to get fit for Hockey

Last week we looked at the fitness demands of hockey, now some tips on how to get fit for hockey.


fit for hockey

Anne Panter

Strength training should be incorporated into programmes for all ages, this should be appropriate to the athlete and progressive

Initially this should work on movement skills and injury prevention progressing to work capacity.

Movement skills and Injury prevention can be worked on together, a system we use at Excelsior is the 5×5’s.

These 5 exercises are performed for 1 minute a day with a different set of exercises each day.

As discussed when looking at common injuries we need to work on back mobility & strength, hamstring strength, pelvic and knee stability. These are worked on during the 5×5’s but extra attention may be required, example exercises are below:

Common Injury Exercise 1 Exercise 2 (progression)
Knee Single leg squat Single leg hop & hold
Pelvis Hip Series 1 Hip Series 2
Back Strength Bent over row Pull ups
Hamstring Strength Hip Series 3 Hip Hinge
hockey warm up

James warming up hockey players

These weaknesses can also be affected by everyday activities for example sitting for prolonged periods at work or commuting, so this needs to be managed with effective warm ups prior to games and training sessions.

Work Capacity

Due to the variety of speeds and distances covered (as shown last week) we coaches need to work the players across the spectrum of intensity levels.

Due to the shortage of time with athletes it is good to work with hockey coaches and utilise time effectively. One example is shown in this video of Maddie Hinch training.

We can do this using small sided games. Within these games we must make sure we are working on the correct energy systems which can be done through medium, high and maximal intensity games.

One problem that can occur is that we don’t allow enough rest in these games which can lead to players working through fatigue and injuries occurring.

Type of Game Percent of Maximum Heart Rate

Type of game % max heart rate Single game duration Work: rest ratio
Medium intensity 85% 5-10 minutes 1: 0.5-1
High Intensity 85-95% 5 minutes 1: 1-1.5
Maximal intensity 95+% Upto 2 minutes 1: 1.5-3

 Speed & Agility

maddie hinchWith the high intensities of the current game speed and agility are extremely important for every position.

In the past this training has consisted of repeated sprints and drills involving lots of equipment possibly without thought of if it is actually working and why not if it isn’t.

When looking to improve speed and agility we first need to look at what areas contribute towards them. Other than technique which is essential we can also work on:

We must first make sure the athlete is able to withstand the forces that are applied during training, they should be able to brake before accelerating


With the speed of the game increasing due to rule and tactical changes players need to be able to cope with the new demands of what is now almost a professional sport.

As athletic development coaches we need to look at a long term pathway for our athletes which incorporates working on all the demands of the sport.

Want to get fit for Hockey?

Duncan Buckmaster    


Conditioning for field hockey, Ian Jeffreys, NSCA Performance Journal October 2005


  1. […] Fitness training for field hockey pt1, what the fitness demands of hockey are. Hockey fitness training pt2. Practical fitness training […]

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Jenny McGeever
James has been my strength and conditioning coach since June 2009 and during this time he has provided me with constant support and helped me develop as an athlete, from Under 17 international level to senior international. He is currently helping me with my transition from fencer to Modern Pentathlete.

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