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New book published: ‘Coaches’ Corner’
7th November 2024
Essays to help sports coaches and P.E. teachers. My latest book, ‘Coaches’ Corner,’ is now available to buy on Amazon. It contains over 50 essays about athletic development, coaching, and physical education based on my work over the last ten years as Head Coach of Excelsior Athletic Development Club. How and what I’ve coached has […]

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Coach Education

Research articles on Coach Education and practice.

You will see more articles and discussion on the Excelsior CPD community on google+. Find out more on this 3 minute video.

Some basic coaching principles

How to become an expert coach- coach education review

Circuit training for adults- research and application

Team building and cohesion

High school periodisation

Sandbag training manual

simple guide to presenting

How Coaches learn

Sample session plan

Injury prevention for female footballers

Using warm ups for injury prevention

Warm ups to prevent injury in amateur football

1RM calculator with loads for barbell weights

1RM conversion to lighter RMs

reflective coach.pdf

VAK Learning Styles Self.doc


Coach development pathway: Frank Dick

Strength and overload definitions.pdf

How many motor units are recruited? Useful chart

7 key points for running technique.pdf

Handbook from 1945 for Iowa Physical education programme

a good look at different types of squat

useful weekly session planner

12 principles of coaching when working with young people

Report from the British Medical Journal on sports drinks

handout self assessment criteria.pdf


Practical implementation of high-intensity aerobic conditoning methods applicable to the football codes.doc

35. Recent trends in high-intensity-aerobic training.pdf

Lederman stretching abstract

Champions born or made?

Movement efficiency

S&C coach cpd: a framework for future learning

Skill acquisition: or why you should avoid “engage”



Client Testimonials

German Academy of Applied Sports Medicine (DAASM)
James Marshall is a master of his field. He knows how to turn a big audience hall into a small seminar setting, where he picks everyone up. One of the finest invited speakers DAASM has ever had the privilege to announce. Dr. Dr. Homayun Gharavi Founder & President of DAASM

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